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Report Card Information

Why do we have Report Cards at WWES?

We have Report Cards to communicate student growth to parents and students.  No matter if a student is struggling with academics or they are identified as a High Ability student, every child has strengths.  Every child has places where they can grow.  Every child at our school is extraordinary.  


Why do we not have traditional grades at WWES?

Grades often times do not show parent and students what they really want to know.  Grades are often times based on teacher preferences and student behavior and have little to do with whether a student is proficient in grade level content.  Many students receive good grades, but still do not pass state standardized tests.  At WWES, we report standard proficiency to parents.  Standard-based report cards show parents that students have demonstrated evidence of proficiency in learning of grade level standards.  


What about Honor Roll?

At WWES, we celebrate academic and behavioral accomplishments every day.  Students are recognized for Lexia levels, Reflex levels, Khan Academy completion, kindness, and being exemplary learners at the beginning of the day when we join together as an entire school.  

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